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Free Health Essay Paper

Academic and Professional Development Plan essay

Education is considered by many as the key to success and personal gratification in terms of accomplishments. However, not many people who claim to educated actually use their acquired knowledge and skill to elevate their lives. In short, they tend ...

Anatomy and Physiology essay

The human body is complex. To better take care of our body we need to understand its structure and its functions. The human body is an organism made up of building blocks. The most basic of these building blocks are atoms. An atom is the smallest ...

Anorexia essay

Modern lifestyle and a surplus of beauty icons dictate new rules and canons. Skinny models on TV screens, slender actresses in movies and on the covers of magazines program the audience into thinking that good looks are synonyms to success, thus ...

Another Health Problem essay

To my mind, there are three key ideas in Power Point slides. The first one states that a lot of people suffer from cardiovascular disease. This illness may even cause death and this composes more than thirty per cent of all deaths. In fact, this ...

Approach to Care of a Patient with Cancer essay

Breast is a modified sweat gland and a distinguishing anatomical feature among mammals with the primary role of producing milk to nourish offspring. The human breast contains 12-15 major breast ducts lined by a layer of epithelial cuboidal cells ...

Articular Cartilage Repair essay

Articular cartilage is located on the surface of the bone endings. In a healthy state, it is smooth and slippery. Its purpose is to decrease the friction between the bone ends, to balance load, and to protect the bones during movement and loads. If ...

Asthma essay

What is the disease? Asthma is a chronic inflammation disease. It causes narrowing and swelling of the airways, the bronchial tubes. This results in having difficulties with breathing. When the bronchial tubes are inflamed, they may become too ...

Autism essay

I. In the process of evolution human beings have gained high level abilities. Their brain potential is bigger than that of other species. With that benefit come brain-based developmental disorders. This paper explores a type of psychological ...

Cardiovascular Disease essay

Cardiovascular Disease is the name applied to many diseases of the heart and circulatory system, including coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, diseases of the heart muscle and valves, problems with the pericardium, congestive ...

Cardiovascular Disease in Women essay

Introduction About 1.5 million cardiovascular disease cases arise in the U.S each year with 500,000 deaths. It is estimated that more than 233,000 women die per year from the heart attack. Cardiovascular illness takes place about every 20 seconds ...

Cardiovascular Health essay

Cardiovascular disease (CDV) is a cluster of diseases that occur as a result of the formation of a substance called plague in the walls of the arteries. CDVs take many forms such as stroke, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease and ...

Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection essay

Indwelling urinary catheters are usually used in hospitals to help people who, due to their health problems are not able to urinate by themselves. Urinary tract infection is a common complication (Niël-Weise BS, van den Broek PJ. Cochrane ...

Challenging Behaviours essay

A) Teenagers that suffer from autism may display different types of challenging behaviour, such as problems with social communication (echo-lactic speech, irrelevant factual comments, and incessant talk), social interaction (isolated, passive, and ...

Circulatory System essay

Long-term and short-term mechanisms that control blood pressure are one of the most important issues of medical physiology. According to Khurana (2008, p. 188) every mechanism has its own specific function. The author states that the control of BP ...

Copd Diagnosis essay

Mr. L, a 55 year-old bartender and long-time heavy smoker, was diagnosed with COPD seven years ago. His daily commute to and from work includes a three block walk to and from the bus station. These walks have become increasingly difficult for Mr. L, ...

Dehydration essay

The two thirds of the human body is water. Human body needs to control its body fluid levels, in order to function properly. There is always a balance in body fluids when the amount of fluid consumed is the same to the excreted amount.  ...

Diabetes in America essay

The Course Rationale In United States, over 170,000 people under the age 20 have diabetes which is diagnosed (Aubert, 1995; World Health Organization, 2011). There is a growing need for diabetes education among adults, as the disease affects all age ...

Diabetes in Children essay

Diabetes in children has recently become more than just a need but a problem of the young generations. In general, diabetes is very popular nowadays in terms of multiple discussions and research. Children are a vital group of population, which ...

Diabetes Mellitus essay

Definition The medical term for diabetes is Diabetes Mellitus. It comprises of a group of diseases pertaining to metabolic disorders. The affected person develops high sugar in the blood for two reasons – either the body is sluggish in ...

Eating Habits essay

Our health is dependent on our diet, and these days the diversity of our available food sources allows a tremendous variation in health. Many people choose a lifestyle of convenient quick meals which suits our busy lifestyles, and on the other end ...

ECT essay

Introduction ECT stands for electroconvulsive therapy, an intervention used by psychiatrists to treat depression, schizophrenia, and psychotic disorders. Centuries ago, physicians believed that convulsions (such as in epilepsy) and schizophrenia are ...

Efforts to Regulate Fast Food and Some Alternatives essay

In today’s world concept of fast food is becoming very adaptive in almost every society. The phrase given to food that can be cooked and served incredibly quickly is known as fast food and that is a massive issue in many places. In addition, ...

Electronic Health Status Monitoring and Alarm System for Hospitals essay

Introduction Health related information is necessary for understanding disease trends and efficacy of medicine and medical interventions in a given setting.  For example, data stored regarding occurrence of flu and flu-like symptoms among ...

Ethical and Legal Issues essay

Since I am the newly appointed assistant to In-service Coordinator, it is my responsibility to ensure that all newly hired nurses and physicians are familiar with the legal and ethical guidelines of our facility. This essay focuses on how I would ...

Ethical Dilemma and Life Issues essay

Right to Die The right to die is a pressing issue because of its controversial nature, even though it has been legalized in some states. Under certain circumstances, patients generally have the right to reject medical treatment or appropriate pain ...

Final Paper on Policy Implementation essay

Policy Problem/Issue of Interest Policy implementation refers to the adoption and execution of a certain policy. Policy implementation falls under the fourth stage of the policy cycle. For effective policy implementation, three basic elements such ...

Fitness Director essay

As a fitness director, one needs to invest effort and time to pull in and retain a dynamic and high caliber instructional staff. Effective and efficient fitness instructors are an invaluable asset, if the fitness program is to be administered ...

General Overview on Hepatitis C essay

Hepatitis is a liver inflammation that is caused by a virus or a toxin. All lobule of the liver are affected by hepato cellular necrosis which is usually patchy or diffuse. There are about five viral agents that cause viral hepatitis to be precise ...

Global Strategy for Asthma Management essay

In spite of a constant increase in quantity of specially trained medical professionals such as pulmonologists and allergists, new diagnostic and antiasthmatic means, progress in health care, and diverse alternative therapies, a stable growth of ...

Health Care essay

Dramatic changes in the U.S. healthcare environment, involving aspects like the production of basic healthcare, research, funding and the creation of large, vertically integrated health care networks, necessitated some changes in the hospitals way ...

Health Care Availability essay

Health care is the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of illness, injury and other physical and mental impairments in human beings through the services offered by the medical and allied health professionals (Houghton, 2004). For health ...

Health Care Ethics essay

Within the health care profession, safety is among the top priorities for all employees. Some characterize the profession as a whole by its extreme attention to detail. One unnecessary mistake can be detrimental to both the profession and the ...

Health Care Spending in the United States essay

Health Care in the U.S. is currently being provided by various separate legal entities. By large, the health care facilities are owned by the private sector. However, the expenditure of on health care by the U.S. government has been on the increase ...

Health Disparities essay

Introduction The success and development of any given nation mainly depends on the healthy condition of its citizen. A healthy nation is the greatest factor towards the realization of millennium goals and more so the achievement of vision 2030. It ...

Health Information Exchange essay

1.0 Definition of Health Information Exchange (HIE) Health Information Exchange (HIE) refers to the coordinated electronic transfer of the highly organized healthcare information among governmental healthcare providers, independent health ...

Health Promotion Model Evaluation essay

Introduction Health promotion model evaluation is a complicated process that identifies situations related to health-related activities in order to make decisions of health improvement. Health promotion model evaluation encourages healthcare ...

Heroin and Insulin essay

Heroin is an opiate drug extracted from morphine, a natural material in the seedpod of the poppy plant found in Asian. Heroin mainly appears as brown or white powder or a black substance referred as black tar heroin. It can be smoked, injected and ...

HIV essay

According to the World Health Organization, HIV is considered as a pandemic in humans. Nonetheless, complacency regarding HIV plays a major role in the risk of HIV. Since its discovery, HIV has killed an estimated 25million people globally while the ...

Holistic Health Assessment essay

Holistic health assessment is central to operational and effective planning, execution and evaluation of the nursing care in health care setting. Nurses need to conduct a comprehensive and holistic assessment of the patients need (Wilson & ...

Homophobia essay

Socialization starts in childhood and develops in the adulthood. Gender-role socialization is closely related to the stereotypes. They can remain reinforced for the entire life of an individual. Homophobia is a serious issue for the nowaday society. ...

Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act essay

Signed on March 23, 2010, the Patients Protection and Affordable Act (ACA) is arguably the most significant social legislation of this century that impacts America’s healthcare system. One of the elements of the ACA that will positively impact ...

Income Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination essay

Stylized Facts about Income Inequality Unequal distribution of income across and within countries has been attracting a lot of attention recently. There is a big body of literature focused on the research of causes and consequences of income ...

Increase Federal Assistance for Medicaid or Not essay

It is generally accepted standard when each house is filled by happiness, love, and calmness. Poverty, lack of money even for food, clothes - this is sometimes the other side of real life. For such families American government has created a Medicaid ...

Introduction and Summary of Career Path essay

James is currently working at 24 hour Fitness as a personal trainer and manager. He got his Bachelors and Masters Degree at Feresno State University with a Kinesiology major and specialization in Exercise Science. After his Masters, he started ...

Issues in American Health System essay

In the whole world, United States of America is known to be the largest nation of all other countries with the poor health facility. This was proved by their medical facility of which they spend more of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on healthcare ...

Kickbacks, Side-Dealing and Side Payments essay

Introduction The health system has been for long been one of the most trusted social institutions. This profession has historically recognized that public trust as one of the greatest assets, a resource that has allowed it to define the scope of the ...

Lighting up essay

Cigarette smoking is the greatest single cause of illness and premature death in the United Kingdom. About 100,000 people in Britain die annually due to smoking. These statistics may sound life threatening but they represent the grim reality as far ...

Living with Diabetes essay

Life with diabetes is obviously complicated and poses a challenge on every person with this disease. But, if to learn how to behave, when diagnosed with this condition and make an effort to accept yourself as you are, it may seem to be a tragedy a ...

Mechanisms which Support Continues Involvement in Health Care essay

A key problem of each system of public health services is finding the balance between the availability of medical aid to the population and the price which should be paid for it. Proceeding from this precondition, it is hardly possible to call the ...

Medication Errors and Medication Reconciliation Increase Safety essay

Recently, energetic efforts have been made in various countries around the world to prevent medical errors and enable medication reconciliation to increase patient safety. These efforts have always been compulsory and extremely important. It is ...

Obesity in Adults essay

Obesity in adults has become one of the most significant health problems. Obesity is a condition where the human body contains excess fat that is risky to its health.  There is a clear indication that obesity has replaced most of the top health ...

Obesity in Childhood essay

Conventionally, a fat child is considered to be a healthy child. However, excessive weight of children can lead to obesity, which has become a major health problem in developed nations, and to some degree, in developing nations as well (Ebbeling, ...

Obesity is Generally a Disease essay

Introduction Obesity is generally a disease connected with the lifestyles, whereas it is also found to be the root cause of several other diseases like diabetes, thyroid glands diseases, etc. According to the numerous researches, there are over 1 ...

Occupational Safety and Health Administration essay

Abstract  In order to provide safe working environment Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been obligated to recognize health hazard, Evaluation and Control them. To establish and maintain safe and healthful conditions requires ...

Pancreatic Cancer - Silent Killer essay

Pancreatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm that originates from transformed cells in the tissues of the pancreas. The pancreas has two main roles in the digestive system. It manufactures pancreatic juice that helps the body digest proteins and fats ...

Paying for Physician Services essay

It is stated that successful health reform is focused on Medicare and Medicaid innovations (Guterman et al., 2010).  Accordingly, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS, aim to develop innovative payment and delivery system for ...

Persuasion essay

Benjamin is a chain smoker. He has been a smoker for a long time now. Benjamin, however, does not seem to consider the option of quitting smoking. His health seems to be deteriorating, and I feel that he should have a sense of control over his life ...

PhD Application Paper essay

Quality of a scholarly paper largely depends on the sources used in it. Distinguishing between a thought of a scientist based on facts and a simply informed opinion is crucial for a successful investigation. Ability to define the value and ...

Polypharmacy in the Older Adult essay

Introduction Improvement in the quality of healthcare has led to a significant increase in the life expectancy of individuals. The aging population puts significant strain on the healthcare systems. This is due to the various ailments that are ...

Professional Psychology essay

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of children being diagnosed with  autistic disorder in the last two to three decades. According to the most recent surveys by CDC, prevalence of autism in the US has been found to be as high as 1 ...

Professionalism in Nursing essay

“There is an intimacy nurses and patients share which is understood. The essence of nursing is an unconditional love for mankind. To be called a nurse is an honor - a profession of the highest realm” (Donelan: 2004). “If only ...

Proposal for Global Health essay

1)Public Health Context Cataract is a form of clouding that develops in the eyes’ natural lens. There are three types of cataracts (Skolink, 2011). These types include nuclear cataract, cortical cataract, and subcapsular cataract. There are ...

Public Health Survey: Obesity essay

Introduction Obesity is an existing health issue among people of all ages and various cultural groups. Obesity increases one’s probability of dying from diabetes, heart disease, and stroke amongst many other possible health issues ...

Quality in the U.S. Health Care System essay

Introduction Health care system is a vital element in any country assuring improvement of people’s health. Provision of high quality health care services is crucial in this process. Performance of the health care system depends on various ...

Respiratory System essay

All the systems of the organism are vital and in a healthy state they perform all the functions needed to keep life. The role of the respiratory system in the human organism is extremely important, as all of the organs and tissues need to be fueled ...

Rheumatoid Arthritis essay

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease which affects about 0.5 to 2% of the population worldwide. It is the most common form of arthritis among adults and is a common cause of serious disability. The characteristic feature of RA ...

Role of Registered Nurse essay

“There is an intimacy nurses and patients share which is understood. The essence of nursing is an unconditional love for mankind. To be called a nurse is an honor - a profession of the highest realm” (Donelan: 2004). “If only ...

Schizophrenia essay

Schizophrenia is a disease that is commonly known to affect both men and women equally. This is a serious disease that weakens the mind cells thus resulting in hallucinations, unplanned speech, lack of feelings as well as emotions and paranoia. In ...

Schizophrenia is a Serious Psychotic Disorder essay

Schizophrenia is a serious psychotic disorder. It affects approximately 2 million Americans and one in every 100 people suffers from schizophrenia. Half of the patients admitted to the psychiatric care schizophrenia. The disease affects both men and ...

Schizophrenia or Split Personality Disorder essay

Schizophrenia or split personality disorder is a debilitating, chronic and severe mental illness that makes it difficult for the sufferer to think logically, experience normal emotional response, and tell the disparity between real and unreal ...

Sickle Cell Anemia essay

Sickle cell anemia is caused by mutation of the HBB gene. Hemoglobin has two protein subunits known as beta-globin and two subunits called alpha-globin. HBB gene codes the instructions that are necessary for the manufacture of beta-globin. If HBB ...

Smoking and Lung Disease essay

Despite many complications of the smoking tobacco, many people are now struggling with its detrimental effects. Many people lose their lives every day to smoking-related complications. Because of the nicotine component in tobacco, it causes lung ...

Stages of a Serious Illness essay

When a patient suffers from a serious illness the first response is denial. People usually believe that they cannot become ill; they become accustomed to the idea that nothing can affect the way in which they live their lives. Naturally, upon ...

Summary of Research Utilization essay

Medical care and for that matter proper medical care is essential for all persons. The government has put in place several measures to ensure that all the people in this country get easy access to proper medical care. Some of the vulnerable groups ...

Teamwork in Healthcare essay

Introduction The human body is one of the most complex, fascinating structures, which relies on the ability of all of its systems to function on a steady, ongoing basis. The various systems of the human body must work together to ensure the proper ...

The Diets essay

Practically all people want to be slim, but it is impossible to have a perfect figure without keeping a diet. There are a lot of various diets nowadays. One chooses the one that fits him/her the best. Ornish diet and Valumetrics are rather popular ...

The Innovation of Healthcare Delivery Systems in Telemedicine essay

Introduction Telemedicine is a relatively new phenomenon in the healthcare system that incorporates a variety of features associated with care delivery. Telemedicine was implemented to facilitate healthcare-related processes in remote areas in the ...

The Medical Assistant and IV Therapy essay

There are many fundamental ways in which patients are treated when they come to a medical practitioner for treatment. There is an entire medical team that will work to make sure that the patient’s needs are met. Sometimes this includes a team ...

The Mobile Telephony essay

Most people believe that the advent of mobile telephony was one of the most unprecedented breakthroughs in the world of communication. Mobile telephony has indeed become a household name in many societies around the world with the number of people ...

The Musculoskeletal System essay

Road traffic accidents have increased as the number of road users increases each day. People affected include motorists, cyclists, and even pedestrians. The extent of injury depends on the force caused by the position of the individual before and ...

The Nation's Health essay

In response to the executive order on the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council, I would wish to present polices and strategies that would help in improving the nation’s health status. A healthy nation is the bedrock ...

The Parkinson's Disease in Children essay

Concerning the health of an individual, there are certain diseases that can be either alarming or not. There are sicknesses that come with high level of risks; there are those which are not very much troublesome, and are still capable of being ...

The Patient is the Central Figure in Medicine essay

The patient is the central figure in medicine. His interests, the right to receive qualitative and well-timed health care, full and complete examination and competent treatment are vital issues in medical practice. However, medicine is not the work ...

The Public Health Infrastucture essay

Public health in developing countries can be a huge task especially when it comes to working in them.  The third-world countries are characterized by underdeveloped economies. They are mostly situated in Africa, Latin America and Asia. In these ...

The Right of Refusal essay

Introduction The patient did have the right to refuse from dental radiographs. Despite this, it is necessary to take them and allow a full check up of the patient’s dental health. Thesis statement In the light of all the reasons for the ...

Thymus essay

External and internal factors change the cell cycle of a healthy person. The result is abnormal molecules and cells. Special blood cells and other tissue produce and maintain sufficient concentration of free molecules that recognize, bind, convert ...

Training a Sports Facility Staff to be ADA Compliant essay

This will involve offering an ADA compliance training course to the staff. While the management may not have the facilities and knowledge in this area, they can enlist the services of training professionals. Among the things that the staff should be ...

Tuberculosis essay

Tuberculosis (TB) is the second most common infectious disease to cause death in humans and each year, about two million people die from TB (Varaine, Henkens & Grouzard, 2010 ). Tuberculosis has been affecting the human population from ancient ...

Viral Infectious Disease: Phenylketonuria essay

Introduction Phenylketonuria is the most frequently diagnosed condition of genetic error of amino acid metabolism that is caused by damaged capacity to metabolize vital amino acid phenylalanine. Shortage of the phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme (PAH) ...

Weightloss: Diet or Exercise essay

Obesity has become one of the most common diseases of people from all over the world regardless their age, sex or nationality. Not only does it influence the way people look, but also extracts a toll from their general health and well-being. ...

What are the Components of a Healthy Diet essay

A healthy diet helps improve general well-being. It is essential to maintain a healthy diet in order to prevent health risks, such as heart problems, obesity, diabetes, ulcers and cancer. While, for some people, it is virtually impossible to cut ...

Why Being Healthy is Important essay

Health is considered to be the most valuable things in human life. On the one hand, it is one of phenomena that can be lost in a moment and cannot be bought, no matter how much we want it. On the other hand, health can be worked for and with minimum ...

Why Parents Should Vaccinate Their Children with HPV Vaccine essay

Besides tragic accidents and old age, diseases are the major cause of deaths. Most of the diseases are curable but a great number of them are best prevented as their treatment is yet to surface. Majority of the non-curable diseases are virally ...
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