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Summary and Opinion


Book summary and opinion perspective are significant approaches that are put into practice to enable the reader understand the book before reading it. Significantly, the purpose of this paper is to offer a summary of two books and my personal opinion on them. Furthermore, a conclusion is backed up to show the entire concept of book review in general.

The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America by Eric Larson


Eric Larson tells a story of two men - an architect and a serial killer in Chicago in the 1890’s. The author tells this story as the initially forgotten event of the 19th century and brings out a huge comprehendible issue by basing the story on several individuals. The author perceives Henry and Daniel as handsome and out of the ordinary people, which is why he has included them in the story. The two men represented were indiscernible part of immense self-motivated society that portrayed America’s desire to rush into the next century. In the book, Daniel Hudson Burnham was the architect while Henry H. Holmes was the murderer. Daniel Burnham designed and planned the World’s Fair itself. Young Henry Holmes was the doctor who had built the World’s Fair Hotel.


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The contents of the book have been set in such a way that it draws the reader into the time of magic and majesty. The author shows that Holmes began his killings by seducing women and later murdering them and their children. On the other hand, Daniel and John Root created the White City together with other architects from New York, Boston, and Chicago. The approach undertaken by the author made the book more appealing by giving his characters the real-life traits. It is true that as a storyteller, the author masterfully describes the architect, the murderer, and the Great Fair, over which both have been obsessed.


Erik Larson did a great job with his book as he clearly portrays how life must have been in the “Second City” as the 19th century drew to its restless wrapping up. He shows that Chicago’s founders went all out in providing evidence to the New Yorkers, the nation, and the world that Chicago was equivalent to the great challenge of increasing a World Exposition of truly immense magnitude. I think that the author likes to elaborate on the past  to fuse history and entertainment so that the real-life story was more like a true novel.

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The above is true as the writer uses such methods as foreshadowing of events and crosscutting to elaborate on issues that the reader would not have known, especially in the modern generation. The book is just as interesting as its title because the Larson takes two loosely related stories and turns them into a coherent narration that readers cannot put down. One of the stories describes the process of making the 1830 Chicago World’s Fair, which is rather fascinating to read. At the same time, another story revolved around the serial killer whose  World’s Fair Hotel had quite unusual rooms and premises. The author has taken a good path with this narration because the reader does now know what will happen next.

As a result, the reader is encouraged or forced to want to read more to know how the events will unravel. Another amusing thing about the book is that the author keeps track of certain timeless human conditions like those of workaholic organizers of the fair who promise to spend more time with their families when the whole event is over. Furthermore, the author gives the book shape and energy through the incorporation of dramatic inclinations. Additionally, he confirms the historical and cultural significance of the 1893 aspect that, as he mentions, may have taken place to assist the spawn. Fundamentally, the enjoyment of this stunning book is only heightened by the fact that the story is genuine.

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American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction by David Gerber


David Gerber writes that individuals living in America have come from all corners of the world with reasons that are known both in America and beyond its borders. Some of the reasons are territorial acquisition, slave trade, voluntary immigration, and colonialism. The book brings out a compact but wide-ranging perspective of one of America’s persistent issues. The author starts by illustrating the efforts that have been practiced to counter immigration and to find out who is a legal and illegal American. The perspectives were based on the Naturalization law to the Chinese Exclusion Act and the National Act of 1965 that opened up the door for so many individuals. The migrant farmer’s point of view is also present in the book as a way of showing who is and who is not an American legally.

Another relevant content that has to be noted from the book is the author provides detailed illustrations of the connection between race and ethnicity in America as society. In addition, he shows how people in America have continued to relate. The book calls for better and stronger immigration laws as an option that can be practiced to find a real American. Significantly, it is a historical book with the perspective of showing the reader and Americans in particular their status as citizens. Essentially, this good book shows what happens and what has happened in America regarding the issues associated with immigration and the laws.



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