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Orgarizational Change
  1. Use Van de Van and Poole to separate the content, context and process of change. What problems did you encounter when attempting to do this? Answer: Van de Ven and Poole teleological theory can be used to separate the content, context and process of change in the article Change to Win the Market. This theory states that the development of an organization proceeds towards a goal or an end state. Furthermore, it states that an organization is adaptive to itself and other organizations in an attempt of achieving its set goals (Van de Ven and Poole, 1995). The content of change in this article is changing the brand name and brand value in order to create brand power. The context of change is winning the market. The process of change is coming up with strategies that will help the company adopt modern technology, attain competitive strategy and establish its brand power. It was difficult to separate context and content of change since they both aim at achieving the same goal.
  2. Which conceptualization of change is most relevant to your situation? Why is this conceptualization ideal? Gioia and Chittipeddi (1991) sense making and sense giving conceptualization of change is the most relevant in this situation. In this theory, the top management and C.E. O. of an organization first figure out the threats, events and opportunities that may face this situation and then propose to the stakeholders affected by this change on how to implement the change. This conceptualization is ideal since the management of this organization needs to first research on different technologies available in the market that will improve the brand power of this organization. Furthermore, it needs to research on the competitive strategy that this company could adopt.  After conducting this research, the management needs to explain to the employees on the methods that they should adopt in order to effect the change.
  1. Revisit the rich pictureof your organization that you created and use the information provided to select a model of change from the above articles that you can use as a baseline to create a tentative diagram/map of your planned change process. Answer: Van de Ven and Poole lifecycle model of change can be used as a baseline for creating a tentative planned change process. In this model, an organization has to set codes and programs that will help it in regulating the process of change as an organization moves from a given point of departure to a predetermined end state (Van de Ven and Poole, 1995).
  1. Use Caldwell (2003) to figure out which form of agency you have in this change. How does this affect the approach that you will take towards the change? Answer: The form of agency that can fit in this change is team agency. This is because team agency helps to reduce central hierarchical control in an organization and thus change will be more effective using this model since it increases co-ordination in the organization (Caldwell, 2003). Furthermore, it is risky and complex for one manager to implement change in an organization and thus it is necessary for the manager to obtain support from the other team members (Weick and Quinn, 1999). Using team agency, this organization will have an opportunity of receiving expert advice from consultants on technical issues that might arise during  the process of change.
  1. Use Dooley (1997) to relate the organizational change to “complex adaptive systems”. As a complex adaptive system, how can you influence the organizational outcome of the change? Answer:  Complex adaptive systems argue that change does not occur in a consistent pattern of change. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict whether a change may occur rapidly or slowly, may accumulate linearly or nonlinearly and employees may resist or adopt this system (Dooley, 1997). In order to influence change, management needs to educate the employees on methods of adopting to organizational change. Furthermore, it needs to carry forecasts and simulations in order to determine the changes that may affect the organization in future.


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