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Because of the development of the role of nurses, advanced nursing practice gets numerous opportunities and continues to expand nationwide. Therefore, the provision of expert and high-quality care at the advanced level is of top priority nowadays. Despite advancements in the field, obstacles and challenges within nursing practice still exist. Therefore, nurses cannot always fulfill their duties fully. In this case, constant training and comprehensive education are required. The current paper seeks to examine problems and objectives facing advanced nursing practice nowadays.
Problems Facing Advanced Nursing Practice
Specifics of work, complex mechanisms, and vague regulations often complicate advanced nursing practice, including setting a diagnosis, prescribing medicines, interpreting and performing diagnostic testing. The increasing number of nurses poses a great challenge to the field. Issues include conflicts among concerned parties, poor clarification of assigned roles, low quality of educational programs, different requirements for education, training, practice, fragmentation, and changes in standards (Schober & Affara, 2006). Due to barriers, the professional activity and practice of nurses are substantially restricted. Cultural, regulatory, and institutional issues also prevent the healthcare system from adequate functioning and complicate the realization of various initiatives. It is still not clear whether advanced nurses can be recognized by insurers as suppliers of services, working as primary care providers, admitting sick clients, and signing order for long-term care.
Nurses are well-educated, responsible, and skilled specialists, who possess the sense of self-esteem and provide real support to physicians. Bylaws of healthcare institutions can complicate the performance of particular procedures and jeopardize the patient’s health and well-being. Even the appropriate number of advanced nurses cannot resolve pressing issues facing medical facilities today. In many hospitals, the authoritarian leadership suppresses the development of professional and team cooperation. In this case, the timely introduction of regulations, state and federal laws, as well as policies and practices corresponding to the requirements of healthcare institutions, is required (Buppert, 2014). National organizations and competent authorities highlight the importance of eradicating all barriers that prevent advanced nurses from smooth discharge of duties. Only the adequate resolution of current issues and overcoming all obstacles will significantly reduce the cost of care, improve patients’ well-being, and enhance the quality of healthcare services provided nationwide. The eradication of restrictions to the professional activity is crucial for promoting uniform practice in clinics.
Consumers’ needs, financial issues, and changes in delivery have significantly affected the development of advanced nursing practice. However, roles played by advanced nurses differ greatly. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the healthcare system and receive a positive feedback from consumers, objectives have to include the timely resolution of issues, proper distribution of roles and tasks, development of adequate policies, as well as regulatory and educational standards. The success of advanced nursing practice depends only on the comprehensiveness of policy and legislative initiatives.
Another objective is to develop new practical approaches, and informed, flexible, and instructive educational curricula that will prepare an advanced nurse to practice and professional activity. Moreover, the promotion of autonomy in clinics, innovative leadership, and the engagement of qualified researchers and expert practitioners are another important tasks set by healthcare providers (Joel, 2013). In order to reach the set objectives, advanced nurses have to possess clinical and theoretical skills to meet demands of patients, their families, and communities.
In the ever-changing healthcare environment, advanced nurses contribute to healthcare delivery. There are still many issues ahead. Educational preparation and appropriate policy have to ensure the advanced level corresponding to challenges of the day. These aspects allow nurses to articulate the role, provide expert and high-quality assistance to consumers and contribute to research. Another objective is the engagement of graduates of medical specialties. Through studies, knowledge, and practice, the future healthcare providers will be able to improve nursing knowledge and advance in the field. The roles assigned to primary and acute care providers will correspond to the needs of caregivers and patients.
The healthcare system and advanced nursing practice in particular require the integration of clinical excellence, knowledge, interprofessional education, and ethical principles, as well as the promotion of creative ideas, values, holistic care, social justice, and common good. The commitment of nurses to quality, science, research and excellence is of high priority to every reputable medical institution. Scientific and theoretical approaches significantly affect leadership in advanced nursing practice. Participation in health policy development will only improve the functioning of the entire health care system (Huber, 2010). Professional self-development and engagement in continuous learning are also important objectives for the future nursing activity.
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In order to reach success, advanced nurses have to analyze specific elements of advanced nursing and critical practice to provide ethical and holistic care. Other tasks will be the establishment of dynamic and organizational systems. They will improve populations’ health status and the quality of services provided, promote leadership, and incorporate behavioral health. Evidence-based nursing will ensure the quality of practice, increase experience, and develop comprehensive systems to diminish healthcare disparities nationwide. Information literacy in the decision-making process will be important for advanced nursing practice, as well as will help resolve regulative, ethical, policy, and financing issues.
Since the role of nurses develops and expands, advanced nursing practice faces challenges associated with patient care management and a response to workforce needs. Specific regulations continue to pose a number of barriers to the professional activity. In order to work to the full extent, all pressing issues of the day have to be addressed properly. It has to be done in the form of education, optimal role fulfillment, and training. In order to overcome obstacles and respond to challenges affecting advanced nursing practice, adequate role fulfillment and the assessment of the nursing activity have to become the primary objectives of the healthcare system.
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