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The Refugee Crisis: How to Act?

Do you think it is possible to stay aside from the Syrian refugee’s problems, Mr. President? Can you suggest these people what to do and where to go, dear representatives of the US government? The questions regarding the lack of military force in a struggle against ISIS, as well as the concomitant circumstances and other strategies also require particular attention becoming the matters of heated discussions these days. It seems rather strange that the mighty of this world leave these options open by now. However, the situation calls to stop acting so passively and being afraid of the attacks as those in Paris, but instead invokes to show American sympathy, not indifference, and assist Syrian refugees.

The majority of the fleeing Syrians tend to settle in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon (Kaplan). This year, more than 230,000 of Syrians have applied across the EU with more than 45% of them having lodged in Germany (Gambino, Kingsley, and Nardelli). The data from the Eurostat, Refugee Processing Center, published in The Guardian, is rather astonishing: the number of the Syrians per 1000 people in Sweden is 1.377, in Denmark – 0.753, in Germany – 0.561, in Switzerland – 0.354, etc. (Gambino, Kingsley, and Nardelli). Without a doubt, you are aware of these figures. However, it appears a bit strange that our country with such a vast territory and possibilities is not active enough in the process of accepting the refugees. This fact should be considered at the government level and the duties should be shared between the states. Furthermore, the number of the refugees, that each state should accept, has to be dependent on its economic indexes, its area, and density of population.


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Lately, some European countries are hardly able to control the endless stream of Syrians arriving to its borders. Taking into consideration this fact, our government has to assist them in solving the problem. The coalition of sixty counties was assembled, but the purpose of it remains quite unclear (Laub). Of course, it is important to unite against the terrorism. However, the union intended to support the victims of their violence seems to be equally urgent. Therefore, it is necessary to share the duties between both the receiving countries and the American states with respect to their economic indexes, area, and density of population. These measures will help to reduce the pressure on particular countries, as well as will enable to control the arrivals more effectively. What is more, we should not perceive each refugee as a potential terrorist since most of them suffer from the same thing and are frightened by the same organization – ISIS. Yet, it does not diminish the necessity of control process.

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Moreover, you are definitely informed that according to the State Department, the refugees from Syria will be vetted by the UN’s refugee agency by the officials from the State Department, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and, finally, the Defense Department. This process is quite different from the process of relocating the refugees to Europe, and takes more than 18 months (Gambino, Kingsley, and Nardelli). The important point to mention is that it reduces the possibility of Islamic militants’ intervention to zero.

Obviously, the United States cannot become home for all comers, but the sojourn of Syrians in the country is quite acceptable. No doubts, any country wants to take the refugees and accept the responsibility for providing all the comforts for them. Still, they could be registered on the temporary basis, even so to meet the obligations specified by the law of the country and pay taxes as all the citizens do. However, the process of their acceptance and adaptation should be organized gradually. First of all, the fleeing Syrians need a qualified medical treatment and psychological help and a lot of non-government organizations are ready to assist in solving of this problem. The point worth nothing is that you, dear representatives of the government, should by all means achieve the cooperation with those organizations as they may need some additional resources or assistance in some problematic cases. After the first medical and psychological aid, and having completed the registration of arrivals, the process of their obligatory employment should start, so that they could bring profit to the country, pay taxes, follow the laws, and respect its culture and traditions. With this respect, the question regarding the possibility of fulfillment of the above mentioned arises.

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Surely, you will admit that no one denies the possible risks, and here I agree with you. Even if the newcomers are strictly vetted, it is still possible that they can be recruited to ISIS on the territory of the USA. Nevertheless, it is not complicated to monitor all the information flows on the Internet and block them acting quickly. More than that, you can organize the preventive activities, which may affect the mind of the new members of our society positively. Since mass media has a great effect on people, it is advisable to use it in order to influence the society giving them the right information. Furthermore, the preventive measures can be carried in educational establishments, business, and public organizations being conducted by the specially educated psychologists in the lecture forms or discussions. The battle against terrorism in the information area is not of less importance than the military operation itself as long as the problem concerns the consciousness as well. If you are afraid of recruiting the refugees to ISIS, help them to keep their sanity and let the peace and tolerance to rule the world. Be empathetic to other people’s sufferings and help them to liberate, as there is no more time to hesitate whether to take more active part in accepting the refugees from Syria or not.



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