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The Dangerous Side of Technology: Negative Effects of iPads

The aim of this essay is twofold. First, it identifies negative impacts that are associated with the use of modern technology focusing specifically on iPads. Second, the paper focuses on steps that can be taken to minimize the negative impacts of iPads in order to harness maximum gains. Technology provides many advantages, and is thus a valuable aspect of everyday living. However, there is also a negative side of technology, which is often ignored. On the example of iPads, the essay unveils the negative implications of technology and gives advice on measures that can be implemented to minimize such retrogressive implications (Anderson, 2013).

The most important forms of technology with retrogressive effects include mobile devices such as iPads (Anderson, 2013). Consequently, iPad users should have information of negative effects on their psychology and emotional reactions. Critics might say that iPads are helpful for children in terms of many learning and leisure activities. Their argument may be true and valid. However, there are more important issues that require consideration. To begin with, iPads are capable of isolating people, especially children, from normal interactions. This behavior further affects their psychological and emotional well-being. According to Anderson (2013), “Mobile devices have the potential to inflict potentially social and psychological harm on children by pushing them into leading isolated, and antisocial lives and causing them to occupy a virtual world far away from real life.” According to a research, children spend approximately 75% of their day using iPads and similar technological devices (Morgan, 2014). It makes it harder for children to effectively interact with their caregivers and the other members of the society. Therefore, they develop antisocial syndromes, which are retrogressive in the fact that normal interaction is essential in psychological growth (Morgan, 2014).


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Moreover, addiction to mobile devices makes children develop serious emotional challenges. According to a research, addicted children who are isolated from their mobile devices exhibit serious emotional difficulties, such as susceptibility to anger and extreme loneliness (Morgan, 2014). These unfortunate effects emanate from the fact that spending too much time on mobile devices induces antisocial behaviors. 

Furthermore, overuse of such devices may ultimately lead to Internet addiction. Effects of such addictions include reduction in scholastic performance, low-income family relationships, and psychological health problems. Besides, iPads distort genuine face-to-face communication, and iPad overuse induces abnormal anger in children. According to Wollaston (2013), children who have addiction to mobile devices only care about the satisfaction they derive from the iPad. Consequently, they easily get angry with individuals who distract them from their devices. Statistical data reveals that about 24% of children with addiction to iPads become angry easily when they have distractions (Wollaston, 2013). The Internet contains much information on diverse subjects. One can never have enough of information contained therein. Unfortunately, some of the information may be unnecessary for young children. Information such as pornography may induce retrogressive sexual behaviors. Such information is likely to arouse sexual interests, which may lead to multiple consequences (Wollaston, 2013). The lack of restrictions in the use of iPads also affects sexual behavior of children. The Internet contains millions of pornographic information, which has negative implications on children’s sexuality (Wollaston, 2013). Most children with iPads are early exposed to sexual information. This is likely to affect their academic performance, increase teenage pregnancy, and lead to expulsion from school (Amy, 2012). 

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The ability of iPads to induce physical health problems cannot be overemphasized. Before the invention of iPads and related devices, children involved themselves in numerous physical activities like games. Today, the story is different. A child would rather stay at home with his/ her iPad rather than join others in games. Physical exercises are essential for the normal development of the body. Any activity that reduces physical exercise is, therefore, retrogressive and causes negative implications on human health. According to the article published in the Pediatrics journal, children who spend most of their time with electronic devices experience serious physical and mental developmental issues (James, 2013). There is an observation by researchers that mobile devices are closely associated with physical health issues such as back pains (Benjamin, 2015). Anderson (2008) explains that mobile devices cause upper back, neck, and head pains. This is because of the posture adopted by children who spend long hours in static positions. The other physical challenges associated with the use of technological devices include wrist and finger pains. Typing and the use of mouse induce pain by conditioning part of the hands to static positions (Deborah, 2012). Additionally, eye problems have also been linked to the mobile devices overuse. Light emission from mobile devices is reported to have a connection to eye problems in various countries.

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iPads and related electronic devices also cause laziness in children and induce attention challenges. The use of iPads makes children insensitive to various stimuli found in a normal environment (Deborah, 2012). They only respond to virtual stimuli such as jokes sharing with individuals through the social media. A survey conducted among Briton families revealed that 24% of children spend half of their day on mobile devices (Rock, 2013). The survey shows that most of the children resist being given home chores complaining that they are busy doing something on their mobile devices (Rock, 2013). Observations from this survey probably explain why another research confirmed that over six million children in the United States exhibited Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This disorder is associated with attention challenges due to the inability to effectively respond to varying stimuli (Rock, 2013). Additionally, mobile devices cause laziness in children. This lazy lifestyle may have serious repercussions in their future endeavors. Hard work is always considered a prerequisite for success. Consequently, health experts are beginning to worry about the future of young children owing to overuse of mobile devices (Mary, 2009).



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