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Creating a Compelling Vision

The critical tasks of a strategic and a transformational leader are to formulate a vision, being able to communicate it to stakeholders and implement it. A vision is more of an idealized picture of the organization’s or businesses’ future position (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010). The ability to formulate and communicate a strong vision is one of the most important ones, but it is a complex function of a strategic business leader. For this reason, business leaders should have a good understanding of elementary elements of visioning, as well as the ways to implement the communicated vision. Visioning is a non-discrete event, implying that it is an ongoing process that is linked to the execution of an organization’s strategic plan. This paper presents a vision statement for a newly established non-beverage (alcoholic) manufacturing company. In the same context, it explores the communication strategies used in communicating the vision to the company stakeholders.

Name and Description of the Organization

Texas Breweries Limited (TBL) is the leading non-beverage branded business with an outstanding array of brands that range from spirits to beer, thus, confirming its position as a total adult beverage (TAB) entity. With distillers, breweries, the supporting industries and statewide distribution network, the company’s diversity is a significant factor in delivering high quality brands to Texas consumers and long-term values to investors within Texas and beyond. The purpose of TBL is to celebrate life anywhere and every day. At the same time, the company’s ambition is to be the best performing, most respected and trusted producer of consumer goods in the United States. As a consumer driven entity, TBL invests considerable time and resources in market research. In that regard, the company is able to have a deep understanding of consumer needs, as well as the best ways the company can satisfy both existing and potential customers. That is the reason behind the company’s investment on innovating its brands to not only sustain its competitive advantages, but to also synchronize with dynamic consumer trends. This is done in line with the company’s undertaking of being one of the most celebrated companies in the United States. TLB is focused on three business priorities that help the company achieve its sustainable growth in the existing markets and to create value for its people, brands, regional scale and the greening concepts that unite companies and communities. These priorities include creating sustainable value for stakeholders and business; delivering efficiencies across its supply chain and ensuring visibility, availability and quality of its brand to improve sales.


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Core Values of the Organization

When striving to understand the core values of an organization, the visionary leaders embark on a discovery adventures, rather than a mission of innovation or invention (Lowe, 2013). The first step involves identifying the core business values. To note, core values are intricate to the organization. They define an organization and what it stands for, especially in the community it serves. Typically, these values are enduring, that is, they are fixed throughout time. TLB values are at the core of its business. The core values form a critical element of its corporate strategy by influencing the manner in which the company operates every day in all its markets. TLB’s values represent what the company stands for as an employer, business partner and a corporate citizen. The values inspire the company and are ingrained in the organizational culture and employees at all levels. Location and functions of the company’s TLB’s long-standing business values are: Passion, Respect and Enjoyment

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The company strives to produce brands of highest quality. The company is passionate about producing great beer and spirits. The company satisfies its consumers with perfect beer drinks. Further, the company is committed to making TLB a healthy workplace for its employees and a good place to invest for the stakeholders. The company’s curiosity and consumer insights drive its growth. In the same context, the business cherishes its brands, and it is committed to pursuing them to their fullest potential. TLB is also innovative and is continuously searching for innovative ideas that propel growth to implement across the organization.


As a leading brewer and distiller in Texas, TLB takes upon itself to inform consumers that liquor should be enjoyed in moderation anytime and anywhere. Concerning the enjoyment of life, TLB sponsors sport events, music and other entertainments that bring people together for mutual fun. The company makes its consumers smile; the company often gathers its customers to enjoy TLB brands, especially in Texas pubs.

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Respect for Employees, Society and Environment

The company respects its stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers and investors. In the same line, TLB embraces diversity, promotes responsible drinking and invests back in the host communities. TLB’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) dimensions ensure that employees are treated equally and fairly. The company also ensures that environment in which it operates is protected through water stewardship and carbon trading.

Benefits and Purpose of an Organizational Vision Statement

Creating an effective and clear vision has the potential to deliver numerous benefits to an organization. A clear vision not only defines the values of a company, but also guides employee behaviors. Additionally, a strong vision also results in improved operational efficiency and productivity within an organization. Carpenter, Bauer and Erdogan (2010) note that a clearly formulated and communicate vision creates a sense of shared goals and objectives, eventually enabling the underlying organization to exploit the benefits, attributed to a strong sense of vision. Typically, a good vision identifies purpose and direction of an organization. Additionally, it builds loyalty through employee engagement in the strategic processes meant to achieve the vision. By setting the standards of excellence, a strong vision statement improves an organization’s brand image and reputation, mirrored by high company ideals and a sense of integrity (Lowe, 2013). One of the aspects of a good vision is that it is easily understood and well-articulated. To that end, the vision among employees becomes persuasive and credible. An effective vision calls for shared commitment and inspires stakeholders to align their energies towards the achievements of company objectives and vision.

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Vision Statement for the Organization

The vision of TLB is to the most celebrated company in across the United States regarding its ability to impact positively to the society and environment. Being a new company, the business intends to expand its current operation centered in Texas to all other stated in the country.

Communicating the Vision Statement to Organizational Stakeholders

Formulating an organizational vision serves as the first step of visioning. The implementation is very complex, but must follow for the formulated vision to have an impact on the organization. Before implementing the vision, it must be communicated to all the stakeholders in the company. Additionally, the vision must be well articulated to ease its understanding. Further, for the vision to encourage commitment and inspire enthusiasm, organizational leaders must communicate the vision to all organizational members. To communicate the vision to a diverse group, the company should use multiple communication channels. Some of the approaches that can be used to communicate the vision include press releases by the organization leaders, organizational memos, emails, explanations in speeches, as well as use of Web 2.0 technologies, such as intranet, wikis and blogs. In recognition of the viral nature and the reach of social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, the company can exploit these platforms to disseminate the information regarding the vision.

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Incorporating the Communication of the Vision into the Training and On-boarding

Strategic leaders recognize the benefits and values that their companies can realize by translating onboarding and employee training into strategic initiatives, rather than an orientation for new employees. Attention is given to onboarding of new employees because they may be the agents of change. Therefore, recruiters, leaders, hiring managers and training staff must play a critical role in communicating the vision and mission statement, which are engraved in the company’s artefacts, standards and code of conduct. TLB’s Code of Business Conduct and its underlying policies outlines what is expected from the company employees, either as individual or as a team in all markets and organizational level. The company will also use a combination of approaches based on responsibility and organizational level. The staff in training have a significant role in developing a plan for incorporating the company’s vision onboarding and training programs. If implemented effectively onboarding and training will contribute to company’s productivity and its ability to transfer the core values to new employees.

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From the discussion above, it is apparent that visioning is a non-discrete event, but an ongoing process. A business entity must develop a strategic plan that entails measureable and specific goals to implement its vision. Implementing the visions goes beyond the formulation of company’s strategic plan. In other words, the actual implementation of a vision involves the execution of a company’s strategic plan throughout the entity and the continuous monitoring of progress towards the vision. TLB recognizes that sustainable growth demands the company to act in accordance with its longstanding values of passion, respect and enjoyment. These values guide the business in the way it operates its businesses. Those are at the core of TLB’s Code of Business Conduct.



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