In this upcoming change, how can you be a mindful coach? How can other leaders use sense making to enhance their own mindfulness?
Luscher and Lewis (2008) argue that middle managers are critical change agents since they implement alteration initiatives. They argued that managers should apply sense making while managing their subordinates’ emotions as they deal with the change anxiety and defensiveness. After carrying out a thorough research on an organization known as Lego Company, they came up with an argument of applying paradox as a lens of finding insights in managerial transformations (Luscher & Lewis 2008). Applying their ideas, I can become a mindful leader by ensuring that I build a strong team by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each employee. I will achieve this by informing the employees and encouraging them to be free in providing their contributions on how to improve the brand power of our company, according to their areas of expertise. Leaders can utilize sense making to enhance their own mindfulness by ensuring that they comprehend their employees’ emotions in order to implement change when a company is facing turbulence.
Using Isabella (1990), discuss your interpretation of the organizational change process and how planning has evolved over time. How effective has the process been?
According to Isabella (1990), interpretation of the change process occurs in the course four stages. These stages are: anticipation, confirmation, culmination and aftermath. Anticipation stage is characterized by rumors, hunches and endless suspicions. During the confirmation stage the managers interpret transformations based on the conventional reference frame. During the culmination stage managers amend their views on a particular event. In the course of this stage managers appreciate the fact that their previous ideas might not be working properly and, thus, they need to find new ways of interaction (Isabella 1990). During the aftermath stage managers evaluate the event by performing tests. My interpretation of change has evolved over time since, at first, I reckoned that we would not succeed in increasing our sales and market share since as there were rumors that recession would affect our country and consumer purchasing power would decrease drastically. After carrying out a research and conducting several market tests, I discovered that there existed a way to increase our market share. This process has been rather effective since, after the research on whether the rumors were true, I discovered that we would not be affected by the change if I convinced all the employees to completely support and follow my proposal.
How is your interpretation of the change biased by the mechanisms raised by Isabella (1990) and Palmer and Dunford (2008)?.
Palmer and Dunford raised several assumptions about change. These assumptions are: intended change outcomes, partially intended change outcomes and unintended change outcomes. From these assumptions they developed different images of managing change that included directing, navigating, caretaking, coaching, interpreting and nurturing (Palmer & Dunford 2008). My interpretation of change is biased by their mechanisms, since I feel that a responsible leader should employ this vision for an organizational change to be successful, just as they argued in their directing image. Isabella developed a mechanism for interpreting change that was based on anticipation, confirmation, culmination and aftermath (Isabella 1990). My interpretation is biased by this mechanism since I also believe that the change interpretation consists of rhythmic shifts in a construed reality as the events unfold.
How can you ensure that executives at your organization will see your change as an opportunity rather than a potential source of crisis (Brockner & James 2008)? How can it be helpful to relate your change to crisis?
According to Brockner and James (2008), executives will perceive change as an opportunity rather than potential source of crisis if a manager assists them to apprehend the root cause of the alteration. Furthermore, the manager should encourage them seek the views of multiple stakeholders. He may also consider making the executives review long-term outcomes and not just short-term outcomes (Brockner & James 2008). Moreover, he should consider establishing the norms of divergent thinking among the employees. Using the argument of Brokner and James, I would first make the executives fully comprehend why we need to improve our brand in order to enhance market share growth. I will then ask analysts and experts to explain the need for improving our brand to the managers. Moreover, I will ask the executives to formulate long-term plans that will help to increase our company’s market share. Lastly, I will ask the company’s employees to contribute to the changes and offer their own ideas. It is helpful to relate change to crisis since it encourages the managers and executives to prepare themselves to risks and uncertainties that may be faced as a result of change.
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