According to recent statistics, about 21 percent of the 12th graders smoke. Research also revealed that the rate of youths abusing marijuana has been rising and it reached 36.4 percent among the 12th graders last year. This raises the question whether the youth know how drugs affect them both physically and psychologically. In addition to this, it raises the question whether the society is doing everything right in order to stop rising cases of drug abuse. The youth need to stop abusing drugs since it affects their school performance, changes their behavior and leads to addiction.
The youth need to stop abusing drugs since it leads to a decline in their school performance. Most of the students abusing experience a drop in their school grades. This is because chemicals that are present in drugs cause impairment in the cognitive ability of students. In addition to this, most students drop out of school, as they would rather quit school in order to look for money that would help purchase drugs. My classmate dropped out of school since he did not have money to purchase heroin and he was an addict. Some students also start peddling drugs in school in order to get money to purchase more drugs and this causes a reduction in their classroom concentration. Moreover, these students are not motivated to participate in class activities since they prefer being alone. This reduces their class concentration and leads to a decline in their school performance. Some of the students abusing drugs arrive in class while highly intoxicated. Due to this, they may disrupt class activities by doing malicious things. Due to these facts, schools have formulated strict rules and policies that aim at discouraging students from engaging in drug abuse. Some of these rules include suspension or expulsion when a student is discovered to be highly intoxicated during classes. Some students are thus expelled after they are found abusing drugs and this disrupts their education.
The youth should stop abusing drugs since it causes changes in their normal behavior. Most youths become violent after abusing drugs. Research has proved that most youths who engage in robbery with violence were intoxicated with hard drugs like cocaine or marijuana before they actually committed these crimes. Furthermore, some of the youths engage in rape after abusing drugs. The youths also start to withdraw from their family after they start the habit of abusing drugs. This is because they feel guilty since they know that they endanger their lives while engaging in this practice and they thus prefer to stay alone. Due to this, they always conflict with their parents and this destroys their relationship. Some of them start engaging in risky sexual behavior. Alcohol intoxications impairs the judgment of a person who has abused it and thus this person may engage in unnecessary sexual behaviors. This causes several consequences such as teenage pregnancy and contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, innocent girls may turn into prostitution in order to earn extra money for purchasing drugs. This increases their risks of contracting harmful sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes and HIV and AIDS. Some youths also start trafficking drugs in order to earn extra income for purchasing substances.
The youth should stop abusing drugs since it leads to addiction. When youths become addicts, they engage in all activities in order to get money for purchasing drugs. Some of them steal household items and sell them in the black market in order to get money for purchasing substances. Addiction has serious consequences. It causes serious health effects such as stroke and cardiovascular diseases. This may eventually cause death to the youths abusing these substances. Youths also affect their families after being addicted to particular drugs. This is because their parents become stressed as they blame themselves for the addiction of their children. Addiction among the youth also affects the economy of the community that they live in. This is because addiction reduces the productivity of the youth since they spend most of their time while abusing substances instead in engaging in productive activities. In addition to this, most of the youths who are drug addicts die due to overdose or brain complications thus reducing the number of youth laborers in the community. Parents and the community spend a lot of money in developing rehab facilities and paying for rehabilitation treatments that aim at reducing the correcting drug addicts.
However, critics argue that the youths should not be blamed for drug abuse due to several reasons. Some youths claim that despite knowing the dangers of drug abuse, they still abuse drugs in order to deal with stress in their homes. This is because there may be conflicts between their parents and this affects them psychology. Furthermore, they claim that the society is to blame for the increase in drug abuse among the youth since media portray drug abuse as a cool thing among the youth. Research has also proved that some of the youths also abuse drugs since their parents also abuse drugs and thus they do not see why they should engage in these activities. This is because in some instances, parents actually bring drugs such as alcohol at home and thus the youths are given the opportunity of experimenting with these drugs.
To conclude, the youth need to stop abusing drugs since it causes their school performance to drop, changes their behavior and leads to addiction. It causes a decline in their school performance since most youths experience a drop in their grades after starting engaging in drug abuse. In addition to this, some students drop out of school due to drug addiction. It also changes their normal behavior since the most youths turn into violence after starting drug abuse. Moreover, they end up conflicting with their parents and they opt to live in isolation. Drug abuse also causes addiction among the youth. Addiction causes brain problems and it may lead to death. However, critics argue that the society is to blame since the media portrays drug abuse as a normal thing among the youth.
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