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Investigation into Teaching and Learning

Results from table one shows that most students like being in school. In addition to this, most students learn something new after every lesson. Most of the students also find the lessons to be fun probably since the teachers engage them during the learning sessions by giving them an opportunity to answer questions or give comments about they enjoy their lessons. The teachers could also be assisting the students while dealing with hard topics and this could be the reason that most of them enjoy their lessons (Cooper & McIntyre, 1996). Most students also claimed that the teachers set high expectations for them to achieve. Examples of high expectations could include maintaining high level of discipline during classes and setting high marks that the students have to attain during their practices. Majority of the students also felt that their teachers showed them how to improve their works. This could be achieved by correcting the students when they did anything wrong and showing them how to improve their performance. However, majority of the students felt that the other students were not polite towards them. This could be because they teased them after failing in a particular task or bullying them. Most of the students claimed that their teachers gave them feedback during the lesson. The ways that the teachers could be giving feedback to the students could include encouraging them to improve their works or rewarding them after they did a certain task well. Majority of the students also felt that the teachers were always fair and respectful. This could be by not giving favors to specific students or awarding certain students more marks than their actual score.


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Research from several scholars on behavior management approaches can be linked to results from the above table. According to research, if students manage good behavior in their classrooms, the learning environment in their classes will improve thus improving class concentration (Bayley, 2011). Good behavior could be maintained in classrooms by discouraging bulling and encouraging the students to support each other in difficult tasks. Teachers could use several ways to promote good behavior in their classrooms. One of these methods includes the teacher being positive at all the times during lessons. This could be achieved by being jovial during classes and not allowing personal stress to affect their teaching practice (Bayley, 2011). From the above table, most students liked being in school probably because the teacher was positive during the lessons. Furthermore, a teacher should also encourage the students to be positive throughout the lessons. This could be achieved by encouraging the students to improve their performance despite displaying poor results. Results from table one showed that most students received help when they were stuck and this proves that the teacher encouraged them to be positive. A teacher should also consider highlighting any good behavior during classes. This motivates the students to improve their performance to be in line with the good behavior. Results from the table showed that the teachers gave the students feedback throughout the lesson proving that they highlighted good behavior during lessons. Behavior management in class can be achieved when the teacher models good behavior. This is because teachers are role models of their students and thus it is important for them to respect other students (Cooper, McIntyre, 1996). From the results of table one, majority of the students felt that the teachers were fair and respectful thus proving that they modeled good behavior.

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Results from table two proved that most students did not use gestures when expressing themselves. Furthermore, most students preferred keeping up with current events through radios and TVs rather than reading newspapers. Majority of the students also preferred drawing diagrams using mind maps compared to writing notes. Furthermore, most students liked making things in design and technology proving that they liked technical works. Majority of the students were fast learners since they remembered something after being taught without the need of repetition. Most of the students listened to music during their spare time. Most of the students also liked demonstrations and drama activities in PSHCE and literacy. Majority of the students found it easy to follow a map and liked talking to someone while generating ideas of writing literacy tasks. Most of the students also found it easy to follow a map and preferred group activities to individual tasks.

Results from table two can be linked to research on pupil learning styles. Researchers have grouped learners into three categories. These categories include visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners. Visual learners like to see things in terms of pictures and thus they prefer learning through maps, graphs and charts. Moreover, most of them remember the things that they see displayed through charts in their classrooms (Killen, 2006). From table two, 13 students liked taking information through drawings proving that they were visual learners. 16  students found it easy to follow a map proving they were visual learners. Auditory learners learn best by listening to instructions. Due to this, they prefer lectures where they can hear and see the lecturer giving instructions to them. Furthermore, they prefer holding group discussions where they can brainstorm ideas with their fellow students (Ornstein & Lasley, 2003). From table two, 21 students preferred to learn current events through radio or TV proving they were auditory learners. 16 students remembered something when it was said to them without the need for repetition proving they were auditory learners. Most students liked talking to someone in order to generate ideas while writing tasks in addition to preferring group activities to individual tasks proving they were auditory learners. Kinesthetic learners learn best when they experience, touch or feel what they are about to learn. From table two, 16 students liked taking objects apart and repairing things proving they were kinesthetic learners. 23 students also liked making things in D&T proving they were kinesthetic learners.

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Several teacher observations can be identified from the results in the two tables. There were several verbal and non-verbal interactions between teachers and learners. Most of the students did not use body gestures when speaking during classes. However, research has shown that the use of gestures helps to improve message delivery (Cooper& McIntyre, 1996). Most students liked their teacher to demonstrate what they about to do before being given the chance of actually doing it. This shows that non-verbal interaction enhances understanding. Verbal interaction can also be identified from these tables since most students remember the things that are said to them. The teachers also used several management classroom strategies in order to help the students to transit between different tasks. Some of the strategies used included giving the students feedback throughout the lesson. Research from several literatures has proved that students learn better after they are given feedback on the performance of their previous tasks (Killen, 2006). The results from table one show that the teachers set high expectations in their classes proving that they ensured that the students maintained positive behavior in their classes. Several scholars have proved that students become motivated when they see that teachers expect them to perform better than they actually perform (Ornstein &Lasely, 2003). The teachers also possessed certain professional skills. They had the ability of explaining to their students effectively. This is shown by the results in table two since most students understood after listening to their teachers for the first time. The teachers also used several teaching and learning styles. They used both visual and audio media to emphasize the understanding of these students (Bayley, 2011). Scholars have discovered that students become curious to learn new things after being given adequate illustrations and explanations from their teachers.



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