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Completing a Winning Research Paper on Genetic Engineering

The most essential thing for everyone who is going to write a paper on genetic engineering is being fully aware of the subject you undertake. Genetic engineering is all about composing the patterns of DNA and adding some new features to an organism. The other word to define this phenomenon is genetic modification. Deleting or replacing a pair of DNA are also among the procedures to be completed. There may also be experiments of mixings DNA from different organisms. The aim of scientists is to make a breakthrough in understanding the true nature of the living beings.

Considering the features of a paper on genetic engineering, it is almost the same as an average research paper. The guidelines to be applied are universal. The first requirement for an author is to have enough information on the selected topic. The writer ought to cover many sources in the search for trustworthy and catching facts. They should also be classified into the most relevant and secondary ones.


Here is a step-by-step approach to apply while working on the research on genetic engineering.

  1. Opting for a topic. For example, you can decide on the subject of genetically modified crops. But, you can also look for any other topic that lights a sparkle of interest in you. Do not choose a too wide issue, do your best to narrow the topic down. The more concrete the subject is, the easier it will be for you to develop it.
  2.  Digging deeper. You should use different sources, for instance, dictionaries, encyclopedias, journals and the internet as well. Make sure that you do not forget to add them to your bibliography list. 
  3. Composing a hypothesis. A hypothesis, in other words, is a statement formulated by the author at the beginning and then disapproved or proved with the help of the argumentation. It can be formulated in the form of a question.
  4. Creating an outline. This is a very helpful tool to guide a writer and to create a clear structure. In this case, you also get the possibility to keep an eye on the progress you are making and on the time when deadline ends. It is better to set the deadline earlier as far as you can never predict the amount of time, which you will need for proofreading.
  5. Consider the relevance of the sources. This type of paper aims at summarizing the collected information on a certain topic. So, opt for the sources, on which you will be able to focus, and insert citations from them. Remember that it is essential to support your arguments with proper citation.
  6. The first draft. Again, take advantage of having the outline and make it work for you. You shouldn’t pay much attention to editing right now. Make sure you have brainstormed the topic and have noted your ideas in a logical way. Your goal is to fill in enough materials form the sources and make your ideas well organized and interconnected.
  7. Final revision. This is the high time to reread a paper and check it for spelling or other types of mistakes. Proofreading is actually a very important step as it helps a reader to perceive the paper easier.

When composing a research paper on genetic engineering, you should choose an issue that it truly engrossing. Moreover, you should use many sources to provide enough data for your argumentation. Well, the rest of the methods to apply for such a paper are typical for any kind of college writing. What really matters is your sheer interest in the progress, which science makes.


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