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Top 6 Tips on Writing a Research Summary

A research summary is a very important part of any research paper. The goal of the research summary is to accentuate the most important points and draw conclusions of your paper. If you haven’t created a research summary before, then finding a good research summary template on the web will be a good idea. You can use it to understand the main principles and logics behind writing a research summary. Once you know how research summaries look like and what’s the logic behind them, you should consider the following six tips before your start.

Top 6 Things to Consider When Writing a Summary Research

Know Your Topic

You can’t write a decent paper if you don’t really understand what you’re writing about. First of all, you should have a clear understanding of the essence of your topic. Secondly, it’s highly advisable to have a piece of paper where all the main points that you want to describe are listed. If you’re always looking at it and asking yourself if your writing haven’t led you astray, then you can rest assured that both your paper and summary research will be focused and intentional. Most probably, if you do not do this, then it will be very difficult to create a quality summary that reflects the importance and actuality of your research.


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Enhance the Quality of Paragraphs

If half of your paragraphs are vague, it means that half of your essay is vague. No student wants this! Good news is that this situation is easily avoidable if you have a clear picture of your writing in your head. You need to know research question, thesis statement and hypothesis in order to craft a good research summary. If your research question is always in your mind, if your thesis statement is polished and your hypothesis is very well tested you can go on to analyzing your paragraphs in terms of the actuality and quality of figures and ponderosity and reliability of the applied sources.

Make an in-Depth Reading

There’s no better way to make your work free from grammatical or spelling errors, then to proofread it. You can either do it yourself or ask a skilled person or your friend.

Don’t Write Conclusion Right away

Better make a skeleton first, where you include the main and the strongest points of your paper. If you feel that some points aren’t convincing enough – remove them and polish the rest so that all final arguments that you’re using sound irrefutable.

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Do some Editing

Proofreading is good, but you also need to edit your work for completeness, interconnectedness and style. Also, make sure that your research doesn’t touch any ethical considerations. Better don’t look at your work one or two days before you edit it. This way you will have a fresh look.

Get Acquainted with Samples of Similar Papers

It can uncover the angles that you haven’t noticed before. The ability to consider the matter from as many angles as possible is of great value both in writing research summaries and in the real life situations.

See? Writing great research summaries isn’t that difficult! 


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