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Discussion History Questions

Question 1

The Three Things Most Influenced Fourteenth-Century English Society

There were a lot of historical changes that characterized the fourteenth century in the English speaking societies. Indeed, it was during this period, that a lot of changes in the political, economic and social welfare of the existed population occurred. Therefore, the three main things that are believed to have had a great influence include politics, economics and social welfare.

To begin with, there was a shift in the political manipulations in Italy. Specifically, noble people of the country accumulated a lot of wealth to cater for the political events that characterized Italy. For example, it was in the fourteenth century that the leaders started to impose taxes on their subjects to be able to raise the money needed for political activities.

Concerning economics, trade increased among the English cities such as Florence and Rome, which were located along the major routes. In addition, it was during the fourteenth century that most cities grew rich from the proceeds of trade. Consequently, wealthier people began to diversify from being agriculturalists to manufactures. Also evidenced during this period is the rise in the service industry such as banking, which became a central service industry at Florence city in Italy.


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Finally, the social welfare of the people in Italy, Britain and other parts of the English society increased due to improved income of the people. Besides, there was interaction of different cultures that resulted from inter- city trade. Therefore, people began to lean the social lifestyle of the others, and generally accepted the cultural diversity. This is seen as one of the things that influenced the occurrences and changes in the fourteenth century.

Question 2

The Effect of the Dynastic Issue on the Fifteenth-Century England

The Tudor dynasty of England had a great change in the country. In essence, it gave a new start to the modern age in England. This was the period when rational uprising descended to London. Indeed, this was a modern trend in the development of the country, in which the fortitude of brotherhood emerged in the country. It was in this dynasty and the rise in the intellectuals that the Protestants pulled out of the Roman Catholic.

Most scholars perceived the occurrence as an intellectual conflict between the clergy and the academicians. In addition, it was during this dynasty that the difference translations to the Bible took place. Each group of the people wanted the bible to be translated to a language that they could easily understand. The understanding later raised awareness of the hidden things about religion. Consequently, the discomfort in some Christian values surrounding the church, the politics of England and the mode of economic production led to the rise crises in the country.

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On the other side, the gentry had the interest in a capitalistic economy since, they knew the benefits they would derive from the peasantry. Indeed, the predicament of the political and economic crises affected the planning of the nobles because; they could not predict the political and economic trends that such conflict would bring.

Question 3

Assessment of the Tudor Monarchs

The Tudor Monarch, such as Henry VII halted the operations of the feudal lord that had ruled England for decades. In fact, it was under the rule of the Tudor Monarchs that the common people got recognition. Henry VII brought sanity to the financial usage in the country, in terms of priority and accountability. Apparently, accountability is on of the factors that led to economic prosperity. In addition, equality that Henry advocated for led to the social and political changes in the country. Therefore, the free interactions of the people led to cultural diversification of the people, hence unproductive cultures were abolished.

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There were economic and political aspects of the Monarchs. Thus, the kind of politics and economic production that the church advocated for did not conform to the expectation of the intellectuals. For example, whereas the former advocated for a socialist economy, the latter had preference to a capitalist economy. In this context, the peasantry was most affected since they could not benefit from a capitalist economy.

Marriage was also factored, to have led to the social changes in the society. Through this, class marriages were enhanced. This aimed at ensuring security for the royal class since their daughters and sons could not marry from the peasantry class.

Hard work was another factor that accounted for economic prosperity. Notably, the Monarchs advised people to work hard for their personal and family gain. This would reduce reliance on external assistance.

Question 4

The Three Main Causes of the Civil War

Essentially, the civil war in Europe resulted from the discontent that the people had in the region. Despite the ongoing debate, it is believed that some of the causes of the civil unrest, particularly in England include economic difference, social difference and political affiliations.

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Considering the economic status of the people, there were people who had the economic power to influence decisions regarding production. In this manner, they were the employers and the custodian of the means of production. Peasants were supposed to work under them. However, as a result of the oppression the peasants were subjected to, a revolution ensued.

Social difference is another aspect that caused the England civil war. There was social and cultural segregation of the people, meaning that the difference culture and social classes could not merge and co-exist peacefully. Naturally, people of high social status in the society tend to relate to one another cordially, while isolate from those in the lower social rank. This class segregation was renowned in England, therefore believed to have caused the civil war.

Finally, the other factor that is believed to have caused the war was the political differences. In day – to – day political activities, people fight to get a share of the national income and to enjoy the potent of the economy. Events, such as elections may have serious consequences especially if they are disputed. In England for example, the social attributes of Charles I is believed to have caused the civil war. Therefore, the supremacy battle took a political dimension, since the England parliament did not back Charles I to increase his Royalty. Consequently, the king’s supporters resorted to fight those in the opposing camp, hence the civil war.

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Question 5

Effect of the English Bill of Rights

The bill of rights that was enacted addressed the consequences of the civil war. First, it was to ensure that the rights or the common people were respected. As a result, it limited the powers that the Monarch enjoyed. Under the provisions of the bill of rights, the position of the Monarch became elective, meaning that it ceased to be a hereditary position.

Secondly, the roles of the Monarch were defined to evade conflict of interest that threatened to tear the country to two opposing camps, hence being detrimental to the common people. People therefore had the right to protest what was perceived an illegal move that the Monarch may undertake.

Thirdly, the bill also ensured that the parliament had freedom of speech, and could interact with, or seek explanation, deemed important from the Monarch freely. Therefore, it is the bill that brought the liberation of the people from the dictatorial manner that the Monarchs had exercised on the subjects.

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In reality, the bill resulted to a more united England than before. This was in line with the enactment of the law, which sought to protect the minority from the harsh powers of the Monarch. In essence, the rule of law was to be upheld in all decisions that either the Monarch or the parliament made.



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