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- Buy Purposes and Strategies of Johnson's Great Society Programs paper online
- How did the Vietnam War Transform American Politics and Culture?
- What Were the Roots of the Rise of Conservatism in the 1970s?
- What Forces Drove the Economic Resurgence of the 1990s?
- What Cultural Conflicts Emerged in the 1990s?
- Related History essays
The overall purpose of his programs was to fund ambitious new government programs and increase the quality of life The Johnson’s administration aggressively entered a war on poverty in an attempt to reach out and increase the quality of life for all men, women and children. He tackled the health concerns of the elderly and the poor by creating the Medicaid and Medicare.
“He successfully expanded government by creating new cabinet offices- the departments of Transportation and of Housing and Urban Development; and new agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Endowments for the Humanities and for the Arts, and the national public broadcasting network.”
He succeeded in his social agenda greatly, because it was a response to prosperity, unlike Roosevelt’s New Deal program that was a response to depression.
His strategies were to use the fortunate economic growth to fund his whole social agenda. Being in office during his time allowed for an aggressive stance on the social reform and Johnson had done just that. His war on poverty was aided by the previously mentioned Medicaid and Medicare, but also included providing food stamps to the poor. Everything was done to increase the quality of life, and he did just that. He successfully pushed his social agenda by tackling the inequality of poverty head on.
How did the Vietnam War Transform American Politics and Culture?
The war created a sense of rebellion fueled by the image of a tyrannical state. An entire counterculture rose up in the defiance of the status quo, challenging rules and traditions. Suddenly, everyone was chasing after their own personal idea of freedom and equality. The women’s liberation movement overturned the ideals of a male-driven world. They demanded equality, and got it in the shadow of this huge military blunder.
Both Presidents Kennedy and Johnson could justify by themselves why going into Vietnam was necessary, but neither of them stopped it. They fabricated a war that led to a loss of respect from their constituents. A loss of respect that would change the politics in this country for many years to come caused opening the door for an assault of anti-war and anti-establishment rallies to undermine the authority even deeper, just like Timothy O’Leary said, “turn on, tune in, and drop out.” As more and more groups came forward to demand whatever freedom they had coming, the government became more and more out of touch.
What were the Sources and Significance of the Rights Revolution of the Late 1960s?
The sources were everywhere; they began on the streets with different people all becoming more vocally adamant about being given the equal rights under the U.S. Constitution. As they took their message to the streets, they forced the government to take notice of their plight, and ultimately ended up gaining large victories in the Supreme Court.
In the end, the rights revolution of the late 60’s served to offer up all of the rights enjoyed primarily by white men up until this point. It took equality higher than anyone had imagined spawning more laws and rights than were even being asked for at the time. It opened the door for every single person to have a voice and rights protected under the Constitution. Women, blacks, and Latinos could all vote, families were now viewed as separate souls in need of individual rights, and that there would be fair hiring practices giving all a fair shot at gaining the employment by destroying segregation.
What Were the Major Policies of the Nixon Administration on Social and Economic issues?
Nixon’s major domestic policies were primarily the expansion of Johnson’s Great Society programs. With the democrats controlling Congress, he avoided the necessary conflict to implement his agenda. He increased the food stamps, indexed social security benefits to inflation, and set a minimum income standard for families (welfare). He created the Environmental Protection to regulate the amount of pollution pumped into the nature and the Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration to protect the rights of workers to work in a safe environment. He also passed the Endangered Species Act to prevent further growth and expansion from harming critical species’ of animals and the Clean Air Act to restrict the amount of pollution cars and manufacturing plants could pump into the air. While pushing Johnson’s Great Society programs, Nixon broke the new ground and advanced the quality of life.
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What Were the Roots of the Rise of Conservatism in the 1970s?
The roots of conservatism were embedded in dislocations in both the domestic and international sectors. The conservative agenda was able to gain the momentum from the fear of possible international tensions and economic problems at home. Views began to change about government assistance programs and what kind of message they were sending, as well as about the U.S.’s place of power in the world. From the welfare recipients that grew lazy, being supported by Uncle Sam to resurgence in the Cold War for the first time in a few decades there was a doubt in the direction of the United States by the citizens.
How did the Reagan Presidency Affect Americans Both at Home and Abroad?
President Reagan immediately cut taxes, giving the working class the opportunity to keep more of what they made. He did this in an effort to drive the economy by promoting spending. It created an entirely new group of the middle-class Americans, as they spent their money at will. However, this affluent middle-class quickly became acquainted with credit, and the use of credit cards to pay for anything they desire for one low price a month.
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Then, after an increase of production in oil, the stock market began to soar, creating an increase in frivolous spending. Life was a party, and the “yuppies” (young urban professionals) were the guests of honor. Life was grand, if you were an American. Reagan was so influential in the world politics that Americans were admired in most countries. His handling of the Cold War provided many with a sense of peace which promoted spending in many outlets worldwide.
What were the Major International Initiatives of the Clinton Administration in the Aftermath of the Cold War?
With the United States standing as the only true world super power, Clinton aimed at resolving many world conflicts and pushing his humanitarian agenda to all reaches of the globe. Under his administration, a couple of the world’s most notorious civil rights abusers were brought to justice in the world’s court. However, as these dictators slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people, the world sat by and let it play out. Not serving justice that until after over 800,000 were killed in Rwanda. While Clinton struggled with international affairs, he did push his humanitarian agenda strongly, enforcing the civil liberties for people all over the world.
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He did, however, manage to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which eliminated barriers to imports from Mexico allowing the U.S. companies to move manufacturing plants there for cheaper labor. By opening up trade and pushing globalization, the Clinton administration also opened the U.S. doors to many new immigrants from the new places. The melting pot became more diverse than ever and the economy began to show signs of buckling under the pressure.
What Forces Drove the Economic Resurgence of the 1990s?
The primary forces that drove the economic resurgence were an over-hyped tech boom in the stock market and the fraud that fueled it. Only after the bubble burst did everyone discover the fraudulent numbers being reported by many companies to entice investors to dump a lot of money into failing companies. Add to this an influx of immigrants and the economic resurgence; it became a ticking time bomb. These fraudulent companies had everyone fooled, even the U’S’ government, as it spent money not realizing that it was riding a balloon full of poisonous air.
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What Cultural Conflicts Emerged in the 1990s?
The biggest cultural clash that emerged in the 90’s was the race riots that started the decade after 4 white cops were acquitted of beating a black motorist, even though the beating was caught on tape. That incident sparked a fire that had been burning for decades, a fire of racial inequality and police brutality towards African Americans.
Another conflict that increased tension was the standoff between the government and many anti-government militias. These groups armed themselves and spread rhetoric various racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-government propaganda which led to the bombing of a Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.
Other groups found their voices and became unified in chasing the American dream, but without much conflict. The American Indians became more empowered through various government funding programs. They used the money and laws granted to them to build the casinos to fund their tribes. Some even sued the government for illegal property seizures and were rewarded handsomely. The disabled community found a voice in the form of the Americans with Disabilities Act, paving the way for them to lead normal lives through initiatives to give them easy access to public buildings and grants for education.
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