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Children's Thinking

In this paper, we explore three vital phases of memory: information encoding, storage, and finally retrieval. Moreover, we look into some of the mind tricks science offer to help us improve the ability to retain desirable information. The cloudless sky is all shades of blue, and the sun is at her best. An individuals’ morning has just started as they think, “I will never forget this wonderful day.” What are the odds in favor of the fact that they never will? Years after this day may find them telling their grandchildren about that one memorable morning so many years ago which saw them land their first job.

The discipline of psychology defines memory as the ability to store and recall information over time. The typical human memory process goes through three vital phases: in take (encoding), storage, and retrieval. Encoding involves the process of capturing information and is dependent on an individual level of attentiveness, shallow to deep processing, extensity of elaboration, and effective use of imagery. Memory storage entails how encoded information can be retained and sufficiently presented over time (Siegler, 2005). A typical human memory has three storage systems: sensory memory which stores for less than half a minute, short-term memory that covers for up to 30 seconds and the long-term memory that stores large information sizes for up to the end of life. Finally, retrieval occurs when retained information needs to be taken out of three storage systems. Seemingly a complex process, retrieval usually takes a shorter moment depending on how efficiency of one’s storage systems (Siegler, 2005).


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Why do people tend to forget so quickly information that put so much effort to learn? Memory imperfections that lead to forgetfulness need constant exercise through mind tricks to keep it on track. Paying attention assists ones memory to encode an intake of information through imagery. Secondly, constant repetition of newly acquired information and activities helps people increase their ability to recall. Thirdly, studies have shown that funny and odd activities are much easier to recall vis-à-vis normal ones. The memory of a humorous individual is more likely to remember compared to their ever-serious counterparts. Lastly, the brain needs some constant physical and mental exercise. Regular exercises increase one’s ability to relax, imagine, and store new information (Siegler, 2005).



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