Historical logics refer to a study whose aim is to identify and understand the development of sciences with valid or acceptable inferences or logics. A number of cultures have learnt to employ various interactive strategies or ways of reasoning. In addition, a number of logical methods that can be equivalent to human thoughts have been developed. Most of the reasoning principles analysis has been done by logics historical figures. Some of these logics historical figures include; Aristotle, Plato, Aquinas, Boole, Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein, and Russell among other logic’s historical figures. Each one of them contributed in some way to logic’s thus becoming logics historical figures.
Frege was a German born in 1848 died in 1925 and was a philosopher, mathematician, and logician. He worked at the University of Jean and for his work contribution towards logics included; the construction of a formal system that contributed towards the first predicate calculus. He supported his work by coming up with an analysis of statements that were quantified and gave its proof formally. Such proofs are still being used to date.
Kant who was born in 1724 and died in 1804 was a principal contributor to the modern philosophy. This is where he came up with the empiricism and rationalism in the earlier days. He went ahead to set terms during the 19th and the 20th century as far as philosophy is concern. To date, such terms are still being exercised as it has a lot of significant in aesthetics, ethics, and philosophy of politics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
Boole born in 1815 and died in 1864 was a mathematician English man. He was the founder of the tradition of algebra in logics. Some of the works he did included; being a school master in England, and acting as the mathematics lecturer in the University of Queens. There is where Boole revolutionized logics by applying the symbols of algebra to real logics.
Aristotle who lived from 322 to 384 was one among the greatest philosophers who contributed towards Renaissance that is being studied to date keenly. He was a brilliant researcher and writer who left behind a huge body of work. His writings covered a wide range of areas, which include; mind philosophy, metaphysics, non-philosophical fields, which include; detailed examination of plants and animals in a field referred to empirical biology. He had a lot of publications that are fascinating and have been able to sustain majority of readers.
Russell who was born in 1872 and died in 1970 was a philosopher who had a British origin, essayist, logician, and criticized social logics. He is best known of his work in analytical philosophy and mathematical logic. His contribution that was most influential was the way he defended logicism and neutral monism. As a result of his work, he was awarded a Nobel Prize of literature in the year 1950. He remained a public predominant figure till his death.
Aquinas was born in 1225 and died in 1274 whose aim was to establish the relationship that existed between faith and reason. This was at the time when the western culture was at its critical state. His work was aimed at understanding Christian teachings on revelation. He came up with commentaries on Aristotle’s works that are still being used to date.
Wittgenstein played a significant role in the field of philosophy during the 20th century. His contributions are mainly on religion and ethics, intention and perception, culture and aesthetics, language and logics. He is recognized because of his two stages of thoughts that is the early and the later thoughts. In addition, he came up with new philosophical innovations that criticized the old philosophies and still effective to date.
Plato who lived from 347 to 429 is one of the influential authors in philosophy who is an Athenian. His work is clear in his attempt of absorption politics and his movements that demonstrated intelligence. He was not the first writer to be referred a philosopher but self conscious of how philosophy should be applied.
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